Peeling de Carbono
Carbon Peeling é um tratamento não invasivo, totalmente indolor, à base de laser, que trata de forma rápida e eficiente uma ampla variedade de imperfeições da pele, sem efeitos colaterais ou desconforto para o paciente e com resultados imediatos.
Usando uma fórmula única de carbono líquido aplicada no rosto, junto com o poderoso e versátil laser Q-Switched, o tratamento esfolia a pele, desobstrui e reduz os poros, reduz a produção de óleo e alisa as texturas ásperas e irregulares da pele.
Com uma abordagem única em duas etapas, o procedimento maximiza a eficiência do peeling de carbono com dois modos distintos de aplicação do laser, enquanto um aplicador especial permite ao profissional de saúde tratar a área à distância para melhorar a visualização do procedimento e torná-lo mais rápido e mais limpo.
O tratamento é adequado para todos os tipos de pele e é particularmente para pacientes com pele oleosa, cravos, poros dilatados, pele seca, textura de pele áspera / irregular e acne.
A especialista em pele Luci Fachinelli explica: "O peeling de carbono é um dos métodos mais eficazes para iluminar e rejuvenescer a pele que uso na minha clínica. A combinação da tecnologia a laser com o carbono médico proporciona uma limpeza superior da pele e melhora visivelmente o tom geral da pele. O rápido o tempo de tratamento e os resultados imediatos tornam esse procedimento prático, altamente eficiente e recomendado para o intervalo do almoço ”.
> Cleaning:
Carbon can absorb oil deep in the pores. When applied over the treatment area, it hits and destroys the carbon particles, taking all the absorbed material with it.
> Exfoliating:
As carbon is targeted, it explodes dead skin cells, blackheads and effectively exfoliates the skin. The result is smoother, more radiant skin with reduced pores and a more even skin tone.
> Rejuvenating:
Carbon peels also target the deep layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production, which in turn produces firmer skin and reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and leaves the skin feeling firmer and glowing.
> Destruction of acne and oil:
The heat produced by carbon peeling has 2 additional benefits. It reduces the bacteria responsible for acne, allowing for a reduction in pimples, and also shrinks the sebaceous glands (oil-producing glands), resulting in less oil production and therefore reducing pore congestion. Treatments can be performed on any part of the body, including the back and chest.
As with all skin treatments, carbon peels should be complemented by a good skincare routine and daily use of a high-spectrum sunscreen. Noticeable results can be obtained after a single treatment, but for maximum long-term results, we recommend regular treatments.
How Does the Procedure Works
During the first stage, a carbon lotion is applied to the skin. Then a 1060nm wavelength laser reaches the dermis, creating controlled thermal damage to stimulate the healing process.
This causes collagen, elastin, and fibroblast production and remodeling to rejuvenate the skin and target fine lines and wrinkles. The heat created also induces remodeling and contraction of the pores, making it an ideal treatment for those with enlarged pores.
When targeted at acne, this high-energy treatment goes straight to the acne’s membrane and destroys it, reducing acne and its related inflammation.
The second part of the treatment comprises the removal of the carbon lotion, with the short pulse Q-switched laser. This laser breaks up the carbon into fine particles and then absorbs them, by destroying the carbon and removing the dead skin cells, oils, and impurities that were bound to it.
The skin also receives a deep exfoliation during this second stage, making it 4 times stronger than any other peel on the market, and leaving the skin considerably brighter, and smoother in tone and texture.
The entire treatment takes approximately 30 minutes, and the effects are noticeable straight away. You’ll see an instant brightening of your skin, which will also feel smoother and softer than ever before!